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10 Hope-filled Books for Anxious Times

10 Hope-filled Books for Anxious Times

If you’re struggling with fear, anxiety, and hopelessness in these difficult times, here are 10 books to lift your spirits and help you find the strength to be a light in challenging times.

Fear Not: Living Grace and Truth in a Frightened World

While a culture of fear surrounds us, we don’t have to live in a constant state of fear.  Learn how to move from fear-based living to grace-filled living with inspirational author Eric Law.  Read a preview.

Sustaining Hope in an Unjust World: How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up

In this love letter to the weary, Timothy Charles Murphy reflects on his own journey of disappointments and despair to rediscover a faith--and a God--who inspires us to continue fighting, even when it feels like we're losing the battle. Read a preview.

Ash & Starlight: Prayers for the Chaos and Grace of Daily Life

This collection of 60 poetic prayers for the difficult days and seasons in life will will help you find connection and wholeness in your own daily pilgrimage. Prayers include:  For When I Can’t Sleep and For When I Need Perspective at the Beginning of the Day. Read the Introduction.

Dessert First: Preparing for Death While Savoring Life

Former hospital chaplain Dana Trent explores how to make meaning out of death, dying, and grief in this poignant, tender, and even humorous at times, memoir on riding the grief-train with those we love ... or ourselves. Read Chapter 1: Ashes to Ashes Road Tour.

Help and Hope: Disaster Preparedness and Response Tools for Congregations

In times of disaster and tragedy, churches are called to provide sanctuary, hope, and practical aid. Filled with first-hand accounts from disaster-struck communities, Help and Hope provides practical instructions for pastors and volunteers who want to prepare now so they are ready when tragedy happens.

Hope-filled Books for Parents and Families:

Faithful Families: Creating Sacred Moments at Home

Faithful Families at Home: 15 Family-Friendly Prayers & Activities  (Downloadable PDF)

Available Hope: Parenting, Faith, and a Terrifying World

Sabbath in the Suburbs: A Family’s Experiment with Holy Time

When Kids Ask Hard Questions: Faith-filled Responses for Tough Topics

And don’t miss our free ebook, Finding Courage in Challenging Times, a collection of nine hope-filled excerpts from many of the books listed above. We hope you find a word of strength and encouragement from our books and authors for the days ahead! 

Photo by Aleksandr Ledogorov on Unsplash

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