Updated November 2020 to include CCLI licensing
One of the most frequent questions we receive are about Chalice Hymnal and Chalice Praise: Are they available in other formats?
Short answer: Not really.
Long answer: Parts of both are available elsewhere.
The short answer first: Chalice Hymnal and Chalice Praise are compilations of hundreds of works owned by dozens of companies from whom CBP/Chalice Press purchased the rights. Those rights were purchased for use only in those two denominational hymnals. Because Chalice Hymnal and Chalice Praise were created before ebooks were created, CBP/Chalice Press did not acquire the digital rights. Times have changed, and we have researched the cost of tracing those steps, and those prices would be steep. It would be a better use of resources and time to create a new hymnal, which still sizes up as a formidable project that would need support from the entire Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Digital versions of those two books will not be produced, but when a new hymnal is created, digital rights will be a key ingredient.
Now the long answer: Because those rights are owned by many companies, several have licensed their work to other online sources. We encourage congregations to sign up for a license with OneLicense.net or CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International). There are other services, but these two are the most widely recognized. Many of the hymns in Chalice Hymnal and Chalice Praise are offered by these services, which offer a variety of packages to fit your congregation’s needs. Not all hymns are there, but you may find other works that fit your church’s worship style and theology.
If you see don’t see a copyright holder at the bottom of the page, congratulations! You’ve picked a “public domain” hymn that is no longer under copyright, so you may use it without permission.
Thank you for recognizing the importance of copyright. Also, thank you for recognizing the importance of compensating fairly the creators who have shared their gifts, their work, and their ministry with us through their music, lyrics, and readings.