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About Us

You want to change the world. So do we.

In these times rife with anger and division, the world is hungry for a message of God’s love, acceptance, and welcome for all. At Chalice Media Group, we work to grow and equip a community that is vibrant and energizing, a worldwide force for justice, peace, inclusion, and multi-faith cooperation. 

Because the words we use create the world we inhabit, we believe our work is an important part of creating the better world we know is possible. What does that world look like?

  • A world that recognizes each person as a unique gift from God and knows God loves us despite the challenges each of us faces.
  • A world in which all people, regardless of their faith tradition, are inspired and encouraged to challenge harmful theology, find our common ground, and work together for justice.
  • A world that rejects racism, discrimination, and bigotry and seeks reconciliation and understanding so we can continue our journey toward the Beloved Community.
  • A world in which a growing number of people accept the wondrous diversity that surrounds us. As LGBTIQ equality works its way into the justice system and our society, more and more Americans move from mere tolerance to full acceptance and love in the way of Jesus.
  • A world in which families can grow in their faith and their love through daily faith practices and experiences across generations.
  • A world that recognizes the planet we inhabit is under siege and must be cared for as the gift from God it truly is.
  • A world in which the growing number of spiritual-but-not-religious people have resources to inspire them on their unique journeys.
  • A world in which the greed that creates a vast gap between the rich and the poor - and stealthily crafted social policy that sustains that gap - is exposed and confronted.

The community of our Content Creators are the prophets of the 21st Century who live and work at the intersection of faith and justice. They represent and lift up the voices from the margins. They’re passionate, courageous and inspiring. They’re world-changers. Every day we are honored and humbled to walk with them.

We are so grateful for the authors and our supporters who have helped establish Chalice Media Group’s growing reputation as the go-to content creator for social justice, inclusive community, and leadership development.


Christian Board of Publication, the parent company of Chalice Media Group, is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization incorporated in 1911. Charitable contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Chalice Media Group is affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

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