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Imprints & Partners

Chalice Press is our best-known imprint, but several other imprints and partnerships help our ministry reach to a broader audience - from veteran church leaders to the rising voices in Christianity to elementary-school campers.

CBP Books
 represents our century of service to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) plus resources for congregational and pastoral leadership. 

Young Clergy Women International
The Young Clergy Women International series features writings from young adult clergy women on topics that give meaning to their lives and ministries. Visit their website at

The Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE) is a leadership incubator that inspires young people to make a difference in the world through Christian communities. Since its founding in 1954, FTE has provided resources, events, networks, grants and fellowships to cultivate tomorrow’s leaders, pastors and theological educators. FTE provides a forum through which young Christian leaders from diverse backgrounds are called to be faithful innovators and change agents of their generation. FTE Books provide an additional window into this unique leadership development project.

InsideOut: Christian Resources for Outdoor Ministries
 has five summers' worth of resources that ensure campers will explore the fullness of God, who they are created to be, and what they are called to do. Learn more about InsideOut at

Lucas Parks Books
 is our self-publishing imprint. Great for authors creating books that will be guides for a specific niche of ministries and leadership, personal memoirs, or special projects! Visit for more information.

The Columbia Partnership (TCP) Leadership Series publishes leadership resources to help your congregation reach its full Kingdom potential. While TCP has ended its active ministry, dozens of TCP Books continue to provide valuage leadership training to pastors and congregations alike.


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