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Why We're Publishing "Drawing on Holy Currencies"

PUBLISHED: by Brad Lyons

We celebrate the launch of Drawing on Holy Currencies: Awesome, Amazing, and Animated Activities for Stewardship by Eric Law and Dave Law. In many ways, it’s a typical Chalice Press book: inspiring, useful, educational, faith-strengthening, and engaging. But it’s illustrated. So yeah, it’s a bit different – in a good way.

Drawing on Holy Currencies is Eric’s ninth book with Chalice Press, published over the last quarter-century. He has addressed race, diversity, human connection, and most recently stewardship. The three-book Holy Currencies series serves as a primer for Eric’s ministry, which takes him across the country speaking to groups as varied as the Salvation Army and denominational gatherings. Last summer, I watched Eric share an hour of his time signing books and talking to participants of a stewardship workshop. Eric takes the dry material of stewardship and makes it interesting, inspiring, and fun.

Dave, on the other hand, makes his Chalice debut with this book, and it is unlike anything we’ve ever done. He’s an illustrator by trade, and he’s really, really good at it. Dave’s illustrations model the words of his uncle, taking those abstract ideas and embodying them in the curiously cute egg-shaped characters (my favorite is Alex Treb-egg) and interactive drawings that will help you laugh and think more deeply about your God-given gifts. 

Like its Holy Currencies siblings, Drawing reminds us that money is not the only gift we have to offer the church or the communities we share. Yes, money is a part of that, but so are leadership, time, relationship, truth, place, and wellness. We are all blessed with these gifts, though in varying proportions, and we can all determine how we contribute.

We hope you enjoy Drawing on Holy Currencies and have an awesome, amazing, animated time finding ways to instill the other forms of stewardship in your faith life.


Brad Lyons
CBP/Chalice Press President and Publisher 

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