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Journey through the Bible, Year 2, Sessions 24-39: The Ministry of Jesus (EPDF)

SKU 9780827290730

edited by Douglas D. Cripe

Journey through the Bible is a church school curriculum series. Start with the sessions in Year 1 to follow the Bible in chronological order or buy the sessions with topics that most interest you. Using this product, adult leaders and class members gain deeper understandings of the Bible and what it means for us today. Each session includes the biblical text, background information, and suggestions for activities and conversations that will help participants make the story their own.

Contents Introduction to the Course
Bible Story Sessions
The Ministry of Jesus
Session 24: Jesus Preaches in Nazareth
Session 25: The Calling of the Disciples
Session 26: The Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount
Session 27: On Prayer
Session 28: Feeding Five Thousand
Session 29: Jesus Stills the Storm
Session 30: Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven
Session 31: The Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, the Prodigal Son
Session 32: The Good Samaritan
Session 33: The Samaritan Woman
Session 34: The Rich Man
Session 35: Zacchaeus
Session 36: The Healing of Bartimaeus
Session 37: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus
Session 38: Peter’s Confession

Review and Reflection Session 39: Review of Sessions

Special Days Sessions
Celebrating the Church School Year
Celebrating Christmas
Celebrating Easter
Celebrating Pentecost


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