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The World Is about to Turn: Mending a Nation’s Broken Faith

$15.99 USD
SKU 9780827237216

by Rick Rouse and Paul O. Ingram


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A top pick for activists, faith leaders, teachers, and all people of faith who care about healing a broken nation.

Book a free online zoom discussion for your small group with co-author Rick Rouse HERE.

How does God intend for us to live well together in the common life? 

In this time of deep division and polarization, The World Is about to Turn offers a biblical and inter-religious approach to how people of different perspectives and faith traditions can find common ground for a life of mutual respect and care for each other. 

Drawing from scripture and writings from a variety of other faith traditions and contemporary theologians, The World is about to Turn offers a practical guide for dialogue and mutual understanding for leaders of a variety of religious communities (schools, congregations, synagogues, mosques, etc.) in the hope of  making a positive difference in our corporate life together. 

A final chapter, “Building Bridges of Hope: 10 Ways Forward,” as well as discussion questions at the end of each chapter and an appendix with liturgical worship resources, make this hopeful book perfect for small group study, class usage, and pastoral leadership.

In this book, readers will discover:

  • How religion can and is being used as a weapon by people in power.
  • How the teachings from the Judeo-Christian scripture have much in common with those of other faith traditions. They share some common, basic human values.
  • The guiding principles such as justice, compassion, and humility that can serve as a roadmap toward restoring a culture of decency, openness, respect, and acceptance.
  • How one can learn and be transformed by intercultural experiences and interfaith dialogue.
  • How people of faith can offer hope and healing for our country and for our world.

Endorsements & Reviews

” excellent fit for any book club ... but be warned: When taken seriously and honestly, this book will have you making action plans and taking steps towards changing the world.”–Living Lutheran Magazine

“There is much food for thought here ... the authors prove persuasive in their arguments for inclusivity and mutual respect.” —Library Journal

"The World is about to Turn is a guide for all of us who are passionate about interfaith reconciliation, true community, and a way forward from divisiveness. Through story and practical suggestions, Rick Rouse and Paul Ingram move from the brokenness that exists in this country to claiming the hope that is before us in this informative and user-friendly book.'"―Rev. Shelley Bryan Wee, Bishop, Northwest Washington Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

"Dr. King once warned that ‘we will either live together as brothers and sisters, or perish together as fools; the choice is ours, chaos or community.’ In this new work, which authors Rick Rouse and Paul Ingram describe as a ‘guidebook,’ they reveal a glimpse into the chaos that has been part of our nation’s life, while offering an intentional way to make a difference and create a true community that is God’s dream for us."―The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church

"In this time of increased antisemitism and hate of all kinds, it is important for faith leaders to consider how our teachings contribute to the perpetuation of supremacy. Rick Rouse and Paul O. Ingram offer a rich tool in this work. The World is About to Turn does not end at exploring history, it offers an authentic and relevant theology of inclusivity to support faith leaders in strengthening our communities and country with love and understanding."―Rabbi Rachel Kort, Temple Beth Or, Everett, WA  

"Rick Rouse and Paul Ingram have created a remarkable tool of hope and insight.  They offer a clear path to solid ground beyond our current quagmire of polarization. As a Bishop I particularly welcome the pairing of a nuanced history with deliberate stepping stones of hope and repentance in which any congregation or small group can engage." — The Rt. Rev. Megan Traquair, Bishop, The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California

"We could wish that the uncommon wisdom found in The World Is About to Turn were already the common sense shared by millions in our nation and world. But that's the point of this powerful, insightful, and big-hearted book: if more of us are willing to reorient our minds and hearts, the world can indeed turn -- toward justice, kindness, and deep spiritual humility. Chapter Seven alone is worth twice the price of this book. Enthusiastically recommended!"―Brian D. McLaren, author, speaker, and activist

"I am pleased to heartily recommend this book from Rick Rouse and Paul Ingram. The many key problems they have identified for churches in the United States are experienced on a global scale. The spirits of white supremacy and extremism moving throughout the world, for instance, need prophetic challenge and correction. Rouse and Ingram have charted an important path."―Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan, Former President of the Lutheran World Federation, Jerusalem.

"This is a must read for every preacher and Christian leader."―Rev Dr Ian T. Price, International Publisher, MediaCom Education, Australia

"Many open-minded Christians will learn much about their history of which they will genuinely try to repent.  Rouse and Ingram cover, in a readable and comprehensive way, the information—most relevant for their intended audience—much of it still too little known."―Dr. John B. Cobb, Jr., American theologian, philosopher, and environmentalist 

"America and the world at large are at a turning point. Core values like International Law and Human Rights are eroding. Nationalism, racism, and religious exclusivism are on the rise. In such a context, it is easy to lose hope, heart, and direction. Rick Rouse and Paul Ingram provide a moral compass centered around justice, love of neighbor, and genuine dialogue; a much-needed guidebook for mending a nation’s broken faith."―Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, Founder and President of Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem, Palestine

"As a Muslim, I am deeply inspired and moved by the authors’ heartfelt compassion, profound moral courage and practical wisdom to take right action and do my part in creating beloved community."―Imam Jamal Rahman, Executive Director for the Interfaith Community Sanctuary and author of Spiritual Gems of Islam 

"In  The World is About to Turn: A Vision for Mending a Nation, Rick Rouse and Paul Ingram ask the question “How did we come to understand religion as a weapon that could be used against those who are different?” and then offer a road map to reclaiming a way of living faith that is just, peaceful and loving. Although the authors primarily focus on the United States, readers from other parts of the world can easily see parallels into their own lived realities. Most helpful of all are the questions at the end of each chapter for either self-reflection or small group study."―Rev. Susan Johnson, National Bishop, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

"With vivid detail and real-life examples, Rick Rouse and Paul Ingram investigate how our neighborhoods, churches, and nation have fragmented into competing factions and then provide specific community-building practices that generate healing and hope for the future. Drawing on teachings and images from many religious traditions, the reader is challenged to join with God in turning the world toward a more just and joyful path."―The Rev. Richard Jaech, Bishop, Southwestern Washington Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

"The authors, Rick Rouse and Paul Ingram, have written an inspiring and very timely book that provides bridge building strategies that enable those of faith or no faith to confront injustice in our society and create a hope filled future. This valuable resource provides a basis for interfaith dialogue on some of the most important issues of our time and I highly recommend that it be shared and discussed widely among all who care about the direction of our country and its faith based institutions."―Dr. Rod Schofield, ELCA representative to the Lutheran educational institutions in Jordan and Palestine; and Mediator for peace and understanding among Jews, Christians, and Muslims

"In the face of voices who encourage hate and arouse fear, this helpful book explores and recommends a more generous form of Christianity—one that practices respectful inter-religious dialogue aimed at building relationships (not agreement) and fostering cooperation for the common good.  It calls us all to a vitally important undertaking involving 'engagement, involvement, and participation.'"―Dr. Darrell Jodock, Professor Emeritus, Gustavus Adolphus College


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