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Fed by God's Grace Year B: Communion Prayers for Year B (2023-2024)

SKU 9780827210257

by Michael E. Dixon and Sandy Dixon

Is prayer at the communion table feeling stale?

Fed by God's Grace: Communion Prayers for Year B can help you bring fresh insights and focus to your services.

Are you called upon to pray aloud at Christ's table? Do you want to stimulate your thoughts, sharpen your insights, and focus your attention as you prepare your own prayers? Then this book can help. If you want to adopt these prayers as your own, that's all right too.

Here's how Fed by God's Grace can help you:

  • Choose the Model That Fits: Select from prayers for the bread, the cup, a unified prayer, or a closing prayer.
  • Prayers for the Church Year: If your congregation uses the Revised Common Lectionary, you can find prayers for each Sunday of the church year. Or you can find prayers appropriate to the season.
  • Connect Prayer to Scripture: If your congregation doesn’t use the Revised Common Lectionary, you can use the Scripture Index to connect a prayer with the day's scripture lesson.
  • Prayers grounded in the Word: The prayers in this book pick their eucharistic themes from the scriptures.
  • Pray with Preparation: The book offers suggestions on how to prepare for praying at the Lord’s table.
  • Prayers for varied needs: As the authors state, during a difficult time in their lives, they experienced God's grace revealed to them in God's people.

Fed by God's Grace includes prayers for:

  • Advent
  • Christmas
  • Epiphany
  • Lent
  • Easter
  • Pentecost

Don't let another Sunday pass with routine prayers. Let Fed by God's Grace: Communion Prayers for Year B be your guide to more meaningful and inspired communion services.

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