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Holy Currency Exchange: 101 Stories, Songs, Actions, and Visions for Missional and Sustainable Ministries

SKU 9780827215016

by Eric H.F. Law

Book Preview

Eric Law’s foundational Holy Currencies (2013) demonstrated a new way ministries can think about the resources needed to do their work in their communities. Law’s follow-up book, Holy Currency Exchange, shares a variety of tools for thinking differently about how those resources can mobilize ministries into new life, mission, and vitality. Examples include a restaurant ministry, programs for youth, an emergency rent loan fund for people in the neighborhood, worship service in Mexican restaurants, and many more. What could your ministry do?

NEW: Purchase "Cycle of Blessings," the CD with music from Holy Currency Exchanges performed by Eric H.F. Law with N2K and Theodicy Jazz Collective. Nineteen multicultural songs of inspiration and praise combine a variety of jazz and new age styles in fresh expressions, with original texts drawn from the Bible and Christian tradition to inspire inclusive communities.


Praise for Holy Currencies (2013)
"....To be effective, these blessings cannot be hoarded, but must be shared, freely circulating from one person to another, from church to community and back. Law is generous with examples of how 'holy currencies' are blessing congregations and communities. Group exercises and discussion questions encourage experimentation, making this an excellent book around which mission committees, church councils, and ecumenical groups can gather."―Anita E. Hendrix, Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, October 2014

"Holy Currency Exchange is steeped in faith, bursting with creativity and culturally rich. This volume will assist any missional faith enterprise to connect to the blessings that will position them to be used beyond their wildest imagination. Eric H. F. Law is a gifted giver of gifts. He is a gift."―Gregory Vaughn Palmer, Resident Bishop, West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church

"Elucidating! In Holy Currencies we learned the 'why' of an alternate way to understand, evaluate, and cultivate a community’s gifts for effective deployment. Now in Holy Currency Exchange, we are given direct examples of the 'how' to route our way forward and spark the imagination. Thank you Eric for another valuable instrument in the leader’s tool box."―Bruce A. Barkhauer, director, Center for Faith and Giving. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

"I am a huge fan of the mind and heart of Eric H.F. Law. He has offered the Church a special lens through which to look at the blessed challenge of building multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural communities of faith that genuinely honor the gift of diversity. I have had the pleasure of listening in at conferences and other gatherings in which Eric tested the power of Holy Currencies. The practical collection of stories, songs, actions, and visions that are gathered in Holy Currency Exchange are a pastor’s dream. Here is where the giftedness of an artist, excellent listening skills, and a nimble mind have been combined to share stories, poetry, music, and practical tools and exercises that can transform our ministries. Each clergy should have this on her shelf."—The Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis, Senior Minister, Middle Collegiate Church, and host, Just Faith at ShiftMSNBC

"Building on Holy Currencies, Eric Law offers a hundred brief reflections on how congregations can leverage their assets as truth-tellers, neighbors, leaders and hosts to become engines of grace and renewal in their own neighborhood, and rediscover themselves as followers and agents of Christ. I highly recommend this kaleidoscope of essays for anyone interested in embracing the connection to which we are called as communities of faith."―The Rt. Rev. Thomas E. Breidenthal, Bishop of Southern Ohio, author of Christian Households: The Sanctification of Nearness

"As churches I serve work to make sense of their ministry in today’s much changed world, Holy Currencies is the book that I have found most helpful to them. Especially when they seek to do work and ministry in an adaptive way (vs a technical fix), they can end up stuck, not knowing what to do next. Holy Currencies is a great tool for assessment and engagement. Holy Currency Exchange brings the work of Holy Currencies to light and to additional practical reality. It is written to be pondered over, considered for a time. You may not agree with everything he says. You may not be able to use all the beautiful music in this resource. But you will find much to consider. You will find wonderful testimonies of God’s work and grace. And you may even find that you are challenged to think in Holy Currencies Exchange. You’ll also find resources to make it possible to use it in your life and ministry." ―Marcia J. Patton, Executive Minister, Evergreen Association of American Baptist Churches

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