Chris was a founder of the Catalyst Project, which is a center for anti-racist/racial justice political education, leadership development, and multiracial movement building. Catalyst Project uses a collective liberation vision and strategy to help unite white communities to multiracial racial justice efforts. He was the co-coordinator of Catalyst Project from 2000-2011. Through Catalyst Project, Chris was part of the original cohort that helped launch the national network SURJ (Showing Up For Racial Justice), which organizes white people to work for racial justice. He served on the SURJ leadership team and works with SURJ to connect white people around the country to the network, and supports local SURJ chapters through political education events. He is a speaker with Speak Out: The Institute for Democratic Education and Culture, which is dedicated to the advancement of education, racial and social justice, cultural literacy, leadership development and activism. Rooted in his Unitarian Universalist faith, Chris works with congregations, seminaries, and religious leaders to build up the spiritual/religious Left.
He lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his partner, Jardana Peacock, and their sons River and August.
Books by Chris Crass