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Dessert First named 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards Finalist

March 26, 2020
CONTACT: Deborah Arca, Chalice Press
(720) 300-3086

Dessert First named 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards Finalist

Chalice Press is pleased to announce Dessert First: Preparing for Death While Savoring Life by J. Dana Trent has been recognized as a finalist in the 22nd annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards.

As part of its mission to discover, review, and share the best books from university and independent publishers, Foreword Magazine, Inc. hosts an annual awards program each year. Finalists represent the best books published in 2019. After more than 2,000 individual titles spread across 55 genres were submitted for consideration, the list of finalists was determined by Foreword’s editorial team. Winners will be decided by an expert team of booksellers and librarians—representing Foreword’s readership—from across the country.

The complete list of finalists can be found at:

“One of the most difficult jobs our editors have at Foreword is determining which books will move to the Finalist round of the INDIES,” said Victoria Sutherland, publisher. “We saw such impressive work this year, and it was extremely difficult to cull this list.”

“To stand out among so many wonderful submissions, a book has to be exceptional,” says Managing Editor, Michelle Anne Schingler. “We’re proud to attach our names to each and every book selected as a finalist, and we’re eager to learn how the judges received these extraordinary picks.”

Chalice Press President and Publisher Brad Lyons says Trent’s book addresses a subject nobody wants to talk – dying, death, and grief – in ways that make the conversation far easier.

“What set Dana’s book apart from other books in the genre is that while she took death and dying seriously, she also took it with a healthy dose of humor. Reading about a dying character can be a slog, but Dana showed us the flashes of joy, the times when death can be a madcap adventure that leaves us gasping for air as we laugh out our grief.”

Winners in each genre—along with Editor’s Choice Prize winners and Foreword’s INDIE Publisher of the Year—will be announced June 17, 2020.


Founded in 1998, Foreword Magazine, Inc. is the publisher of the only review journal completely devoted to independent publishing: Foreword Reviews, a Folio: award-winning bimonthly print review journal. Foreword exclusively covers university and independent (non “Big 5”) publishers, the books they publish, and their authors. Foreword is based in Traverse City, Michigan.


CBP/Chalice Press publishes resources inviting all people into deeper relationship with God, equipping them as disciples of Jesus Christ, and sending them into ministries as the Holy Spirit calls them. Based in St. Louis, Missouri, Chalice Press is the publishing arm of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), with a broader ecumenical outreach to the wider church.

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