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Reese, Martha Grace

Martha Grace Reese embodies the experience of a researcher, corporate attorney, congregational pastor, middle judicatory minister, church consultant and author. She directed the Lilly Endowment-funded Mainline Evangelism Project, in which the Real Life Evangelism Series are grounded. The study, which included over 1,200 interviews, focused on highly effective examples of evangelism in mainline churches across the theological spectrum. Reese serves as President of GraceNet, Inc., specializing in church research, consulting and coaching.

"Martha Grace Reese gently but persistently lures the Mainline back to the ministry of evangelism that is the heart of the church...the Real Life Evangelism Series can convert even the most 'evangelism-cautious' Christians into eager disciples who love others enough to tell them why Jesus is the Answer."

John H. Thomas, General Minister and President, United Church of Christ

Click here to visit the author's website.

Books by Martha Grace Reese

  Unbinding Your Church: Pastor's Guide (Green Ribbon)  Unbinding Your Soul: Your Experiment in Prayer & Community

Unbinding the Gospel, Second Edition: (Red ribbon)

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