BARBARA SCHUTT is a lifelong student of prayer who has been a prayer leader for more than ten years. She has a passion for churches to move from being “prayer-lite” to being “prayer-full” and has been encouraging and equipping churches and coaching/mentoring local church prayer leaders around this vision whenever possible. Barb works full-time as a registered nurse. She is married to Rev. Dave Schutt and has two married daughters and five grandchildren.
“Remember that the apostle Paul compares the Christian life to running a race? Think of Barb as your track coach! Barb is one of the wisest, most humble prayer teachers in the country. I have seen the extraordinary fruits of her teaching in the Carmichael church. You will see the fruits in your own life and in your own church if you and a group of your friends will agree to study Your Journey to a Prayerful Life.”
— from the Foreword by Martha Grace Reese, author of the Unbinding the Gospel Series
“Barb Schutt has written an incredibly helpful book about prayer. Her wisdom in these words comes from her own deep practice of prayer. Your Journey to a Prayerful Life provides instructive insight for all Christians as we seek a deep, authentic encounter and dialogue with God. Further, congregations seeking to empower their life and ministry through prayer will discover helpful resources. I recommend Barb Schutt’s contribution highly to all of us seeking to know the mystery of communion with our God.”
— Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, General Secretary, Reformed Church in America
“Barb has done a superb job of developing a biblically based, interactive study on prayer for the person who is at any level in their prayer life. It is well organized and user friendly, and she effectively blends fi rstperson testimony with helpful commentary throughout the study. If you are ready to grow in your prayer life and increase your effectiveness in prayer, then this study is for you!”
— Ginny Kisling, Western Regional Director, Church Prayer Leaders Network