Rev. Sheila M. Beckford, a cradle Methodist, is an elder in the New York Annual Conference. Her deep roots in the life of the conference go back to her bake sales at Newman Memorial as a child, ushering, and Page Coordinator. Sheila has served on District Committee on Ministries, as a Cluster Leader in Connecticut district, and Dance Coordinator for the New York Annual Conference and co-founder of New Day Church. Currently, Sheila serves as senior pastor of John Wesley United Methodist Church in Brooklyn. She also serves as Chair of Black Methodists for Church Renewal, an organization that advocates for justice in the Global Connection especially as it relates to Blacks and those of the African Diaspora. She also co-chairs New York Annual Conference’s Committee on Religion and Race, seeking equity for all of God's Children. She currently resides in Brooklyn with her daughter.
Books by Sheila M. Beckford