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Wellsprings of Hope: Translation of Spanish prayer

God of grace and love, Lord of life and light,

we bow before you in gratitude and adoration.

We lift our eyes to you, for you, O God, are our refuge.

In moments of desolation and desert spaces,

your hands hold us and we find protection under the shadow of your wings.

Where there seems to be no way, you create one

and you nourish us with fresh waters from the northern canyons.

you deposit rivers of living water in your sons and daughters

and in our anguish, you lead us to paths of justice.

Your redeemed walk confidently down the desert road

singing praises to your name with everlasting joy.

Although wild animals roar, no harm will be done us

Because you, Adonai, are the ones who protects your creation,

you are the inexhaustible source of all blessing.

Keep us, oh beloved Savior, from the heat that traps by day

and the cold that lurks at night and take us in your embrace.

We will adore you with new songs, with tambourine and with dance,

for you alone are worthy of supreme praise.

Holy, Holy, Holy, you are Lord.

Save us from our own deserts and heartaches

mighty Savior, Jesus we trust in you,

we depend on you, and our hope is in you.


In the sweet and unwavering name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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