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Chalice Concordance to the Chalice Hymnal and Chalice Praise (EPDF)

SKU 9780827280533

by Susan D. Adams


Note: We no longer sell this product in the print edition. Please note this is a printable, searchable electronic PDF book. After purchase, the EPDF is sent to your email for download.

This comprehensive, practical complement to the acclaimed Chalice Hymnal and inspirational Chalice Praise is for worship planners, pastors, church musicians, seminarians, or anyone seeking the perfect hymn, song, or reading to relate to a sermon, devotion, term paper topic, worship service theme, and more. The CD included with every book allows you to search by specific word, hymn title, or numerically, and provides tools to track when you sang a hymn most recently. This comprehensive, practical complement to the acclaimed Chalice Hymnal and inspirational Chalice Praise is for worship planners, pastors, church musicians, seminarians, or anyone seeking the perfect hymn, song, or reading to relate to a sermon, devotion, term paper topic, worship service theme, and more. The CD included with every book allows you to search by specific word, hymn title, or numerically, and provides tools to track when you sang a hymn most recently.

Going beyond the topical index found in most songbooks, Chalice Concordance includes more than 7,000 reference words and phrases.

Compiler and editor Susan D. Adams developed Chalice Concordance to meet her own needs as a worship planner in the past: “I have mostly depended on luck, a foggy memory, and speed reading to find a hymn that contains the word I want,” Adams confesses. Her concordance can save pastors and others valuable time and effort as they seek to honor God with their pursuit of excellent worship.


Download the Hymnal Usage Chart here. 

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