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Favorite Hymns and Prayers: Piano Accompaniment Volume 1 - Digital Downloads

SKU 9780827280571
Favorite Hymns and Prayers: Piano Accompaniment Seasonal Volume 1 contains beautiful piano accompaniment to eighteen of the most popular hymns from the Chalice Hymnal

Each track begins with a piano introduction and plays multiple verses. This collection includes hymns many of the best loved hymns from the popular Chalice Hymnal collection. 

Use together with our Favorite Hymns and Prayers large print spiral bound hymnal for worship or use along with your current hymnal. 

Songs included:
1) Abide With Me (3 verses, Eb)
2) All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name!
(4 verses, G-Ab*)
3) All the Way My Savior Leads Me (3 verses, G)
4) Amazing Grace! (4 verses, G-Ab*)
5) A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (4 verses, C-D*)
6) Beneath the Cross of Jesus (3 verses, Db)
7) Blessed Assurance (3 verses, Db-D*)
8) Blest Be the Tie That Binds (2 verses, F)
9) Breathe on Me, Breath of God (4 verses, F)
10) Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
(3 verses, F)
11) Fairest Lord Jesus (4 verses, D-Eb*)
12) Faith of Our Fathers (3 verses, G)
13) God Be With You Till We Meet Again
(4 verses, C)
14) God Will Take Care of You (3 verses, Ab)
15) Have Thine Own Way, Lord! (3 verses, Eb)
16) He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought
(3 verses, D)
17) Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
(4 verses, D-Eb*)
18) How Firm a Foundation (4 verses, Ab-A*)

Also Available in the Favorite Hymns and Prayers Product Line: 
Favorite Hymns and Prayers: Piano Accompaniment Volume 2 - Digital Downloads
Favorite Hymns and Prayers: Piano Accompaniment Volume 3 - Digital Downloads
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