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Holy Currencies: Six Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries

$18.99 USD
SKU 9780827214927

by Eric H.F. Law

Book Preview

A Congregational Resource Guide "Top 5 Public Ministry Resource"!

Called a “must read for Christians paralyzed in survival mode,” Holy Currencies teaches you how your ministry can become sustainable, grow, and thrive.

Money is not the only currency your ministry needs. Author Eric H. F. Law shows us how the six blessings of time and place, gracious leadership, relationship, truth, wellness, and money flow through successful missional ministries. And they can flow through your ministry too!

Learn how to use these gifts to rejuvenate, recirculate, regenerate, and expand your ministry through Law's insightful stories, instruction, processes, exercises, and activities. Tools in the book help evaluate how your church uses each gift and enables church members to measure and value the six blessings. Holy Currencies will push you to think beyond your church's current boundaries and create rich, sustainable missional ministries.


"In his latest book, Eric Law describes the essential components of missional ministry as “holy currencies.” Instead of focusing on the challenges of dwindling resources, Law invites congregations and church leaders to count their blessings and to assess the assets God is providing through church members, leaders, programs, and communities. God intends blessings to flow like a nourishing current of life-sustaining water. Law posits that six blessings (currencies) assure the stream of people, material, and spiritual resources, and give birth to wholeness and vitality for churches, their neighborhoods, and the world: relationship, truth, wellness, gracious leadership, place and time, and money. Grounding his ideas with biblical citations, theological reflection, and illustrations, he describes each of the six currencies. Law is generous with examples of how “holy currencies” are blessing congregations and communities. Group exercises and discussion questions encourage experimentation, making this an excellent book around which mission committees, church councils, and ecumenical groups can gather." Anita E. HendrixInterpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology, October 2014

"Eric Law’s latest book combines profound insight into God’s economy of abundance with abundant practical advice to congregations on how to move from scarcity to gift. We all have assets—friendship, leadership authority, truthfulness, time and place, to name a few—which, if spent in mission, will yield new opportunities for sustainable ministry... A must read for Christians paralyzed in survival mode."Thomas E. Breidenthal, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio

"Holy Currencies will quickly become a key text in congregational vitality, stewardship, mission, and organizational development... At a time when many organizations and faith communities are looking at the hard questions of sustainability, Holy Currencies transforms the conversation and offers new hope."Sheryl A. Kujawa-Holbrook,Claremont School of Theology

"Holy Currencies is insightful, practical, and easy to use with any small group, and it has the potential to pay large dividends through the creation of energized and equipped leadership."Bruce A. Barkhauer, Minister for Faith and Giving, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

"Reverend Law has once again blessed the church by brilliantly defining and describing the ecology of sustainable missional ministry. Care for and attention to this ‘ecosystem’ will help us all engage ministry in the confidence that we already have every blessing we need to be faithful and fruitful."Gregory Vaughn Palmer, Resident Bishop of Ohio West Episcopal Area, The United Methodist Church

"Eric Law has taken anxiety about declining resources and scarce money and turned it upside down and inside out. With fresh new perspectives and useful tools he opens our eyes to see currencies of abundance."Mark Smutny, Senior Pastor, Pasadena Presbyterian Church, author of Sacred Space for the City, Sacred Space for All

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