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Support Chalice Press' Annual Fund


Progressive Christian publishing – celebrating a God of love and justice for every person – is an endangered species in our era.  Too many voices offer instead a god who plays to fear about “the other” and draws lines between who is “in” and who is “out.” Since 1911 CBP/Chalice Press has offered the best in resources that reflect the Disciples of Christ historic emphasis on an open table theology and which aid pastors, congregations, and laypersons in their faith journeys.

Chalice Press’s new Annual Fund is one way you can support this mission.  Chalice receives NO denominational funding or special offerings and is entirely dependent on sales and gifts for its work.

With a minimum gift of just $50, you will receive:

  • One free book each year from selected titles.
  • Online calls with President/Publisher Brad Lyons
  • Periodic email from President/Publisher Brad Lyons that will include “You’re the first to know” information about upcoming publications
  • An opportunity to share with others why you support our work through social media
  • The knowledge that you are helping support progressive Christian publishing

There are several ways you can support our ministry with your tax-deductible donation. 

1. Paypal. Using a credit/debit card or your Paypal account balance, you do NOT need to have a Paypal account to donate.

Make a difference with
a one-time donation or
an ongoing monthly donation. 

2. You can also mail a check to:

        Chalice Press
        11939 Manchester Road, #110
        Des Peres, MO 63131

3. You can use's shopping cart below.

4. Contact Development Consultant Chuck Blaisdell to discuss your interest in supporting Chalice Press.

If you wish to make your donation in memory or in honor of someone, please send the contact information (email or standard mail) for the honoree to Chuck Blaisdell, and we will gladly send an acknowledgment.

However you choose to support Chalice Press, we are grateful for your gift and your support!

Thank you for contributing to the ongoing work and mission of Chalice Press and CBP!

When I give money, I want to know how the money will be used, who it helps, and what difference it makes. So, that is what I offer you now – plus a deeply felt “thank you” on behalf of all of us at Chalice Press and CBP.

How will we use your gift? Every dime you give goes directly to the development, publication, and distribution of resources to strengthen congregational ministries that invite all people into deeper relationship with God, equip them as disciples of Jesus Christ, and send them into ministry as the Spirit calls them. We are careful and accountable stewards of financial resources in our care. (You may find many details about our governance and management at We do not receive financial assistance from the church. We do not have investors providing us with capital to pay for good ideas. This ministry depends financially on the people and congregations who buy what we publish and the donors who believe in what we do. This work depends on you.

Who does your gift help? Chalice Press resources in the areas of spiritual formation, mission, and leadership strengthen people and congregations in thousands of places across North America and globally. We reach children and young people in hundreds of church camps in the US and Canada with the camp and conference curriculum we publish. We recognize hundreds of outstanding students preparing for ministry with Chalice Press Book Awards. We provide thousands of dollars worth of resources to hundreds of new church starts to help them get going.

What difference does your gift make? Your gift helps make it possible for us to publish quality print, digital, and online resources. Your gift helps make it possible for us to make those resources available to people at affordable prices. Large or small, your gift to CBP touches thousands of people as they have transforming encounters with God through Jesus Christ.

We are grateful for this ministry, and we are grateful for your support. There is so much more to be done – so much more that we could do to proclaim the Good News in ways that people can hear and understand. Thank you for you prayers, and thank you for your gifts. What we are doing together matters.

With gratitude,

Brad Lyons
President and Publisher
CBP/Chalice Press/Lucas Park Books

P.S. - If you are interested in making an ongoing gift or pledge to support our ministry, please contact Chuck Blaisdell, Development Consultant.
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