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Whirlwinds and Small Voices: Sustaining Commitment to Work with Special-Needs Children

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SKU 9781603500098

by Amy McConkey Robbins and Clarence McConkey

Paperback versions available only from Click here to preview and order

"William Blake said that we can see the universe in a grain of sand, and here is a book that proves him true. This daughter-father team write from a place of such deep candor, faith and hope that their words will speak to people in every walk of life. The authors remind us that our lives, however difficult they may become, are gifts....This book itself is a gift to us all."
-Parker J. Palmer, author of A Hidden Wholeness and Let Your Life Speak

"Light, hope and joy fill this book arising from deep faith and from two lives of service to others. These reflections based on seven days of creation will inspire any who need strength for their journey and more joyful good work. One's week and work as part of the wholeness of creation are redeemed."
- Raymond Brady Williams, LaFollette Distinguished Professor in the Humanities emeritus; Director, Wabash Pastoral Leadership Program, Wabash College

"The balance between personal faith and professional life has seldom been so clearly put. The authors' calling to focus on the needs of others is contrasted with the difficulty in meeting these needs and with our own need for a rebirth of energy within ourselves."
-John Graham, MD, Royal National Throat Nose & Ear Hospital, London, UK

"When I feel depleted in my work, this is the first book I reach for."
-Kathryn Ritter, PhD, Educator of the Deaf, Edmonton, Alberta

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