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Celebrate Black History Month. Read Black Authors.

Celebrate Black History Month. Read Black Authors.

It is the mission of Chalice Press to "create a better world with words." In honor of Black History Month, we invite you to read the words of authors who are inspiring and challenging all of us to create a better world. A world for all of God's beloved—young and old—where we can have real conversations about anti-racism, healing after the violent attacks on black bodies, and strategizing to move forward together towards a less divided world. We hope that you will read these titles, share them, discuss the variety of perspectives, and then take action to join with others to indeed create a better world this month and beyond.

— Rev. Dr. Delesslyn A. Kennebrew, J.D., M.Div., Administrative Secretary of the National Convocation, Associate General Minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Chalice Press director

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