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  • Sharing Our Stories Heals Us: Reading Blessed Union with a Group
    April 14, 2021

    Sharing Our Stories Heals Us: Reading Blessed Union with a Group

    Blessed Union: Breaking the Silence About Mental Illness and Marriage is an invitation for you to create communities of truth telling and healing. Reading Blessed Union together in small groups and inviting people to reflect on the themes of mental health and relationships is an important step we can take to
    end the stigma and shame. In community, we can listen with compassion, offer care and support. We can remind people that they are not alone and that there is help.
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  • Preparing for Mental Health Awareness Month (May)
    April 13, 2021

    Preparing for Mental Health Awareness Month (May)

    Mental illness has long been a taboo conversation in Christian churches of every variety. This is mostly due to unexamined, archaic theology. The traditional church view on mental illness ranges from demon possession to punishment for sin to character flaws and lack of faith. None of this is true any more than cancer, heart disease, or diabetes is caused by these things.
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  • Why We're Publishing "Staying Awake"
    April 8, 2021

    Why We're Publishing "Staying Awake"

    Great concept, right? Little did we know this book would become so much more. The result is Staying Awake: The Gospel for Changemakers, launched April 6 by Chalice Press. One constant in Staying Awake is Tyler’s thesis that following Jesus’...

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  • Centering Marginalized Voices: An Excerpt from Staying Awake
    April 6, 2021

    Centering Marginalized Voices: An Excerpt from Staying Awake

    [Creating multiracial community is] about the methodical and deeply personal work of undoing the hold that the powers and principalities have on your heart even as you continue to struggle for beloved community...The spiritual task of a Christian in America is to embody the Gospel in such a way that gets you moving against the pull of racism and recruiting other people along the way. It is useless—or even cruel—to try to create a diverse room without a plan to address powers and principalities and all the ways they harm us.
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  • Author Amanda Henderson Responds to the Murders of Asian-American Women in Atlanta
    March 19, 2021

    Author Amanda Henderson Responds to the Murders of Asian-American Women in Atlanta

    Before you say the murders of eight Asian-American women in Atlanta this week isn’t racism, it’s about sex addiction… hear this. Racism is a lens that shapes how we see ourselves and others. Racism is a system that embeds itself inside every aspect of our lives as it is institutionalized over decades and centuries (through decisions big and small by people who view the world through a lens shaped by racism.)
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  • Why We're Publishing "In Defense of Kindness"
    March 15, 2021

    Why We're Publishing "In Defense of Kindness"

    On January 20, 2017, three hours into the Trump administration, Bruce Reyes-Chow and I Skyped about a book idea he had, The Kindness Project.  Four years later, after years of name-calling, taunting, and bad behavior in all sorts of venues but...

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  • Why We’re Publishing “Blessed Union”
    February 8, 2021

    Why We’re Publishing “Blessed Union”

    Ah, the honeymoon — the idyllic getaway for two people who love and adore each other, an escape from the realities and pressures of ordinary stress-filled days. We all know, though, honeymoons end and the lovers return to their shared...

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